In one of my logistic regression model, there are some variables that have name more than 20 characters long. By default, PROC LOGISTIC truncates the name to 20 characters.
Solution : You can use NAMELEN option in PROC LOGISTIC. Specify NAMELEN=32 option as shown in the image below.
NAMELEN =n specifies the length of effect names in tables and output data sets to be n characters, where n is a value between 20 and 200. The default length is 20 characters.
Solution : You can use NAMELEN option in PROC LOGISTIC. Specify NAMELEN=32 option as shown in the image below.
NAMELEN =n specifies the length of effect names in tables and output data sets to be n characters, where n is a value between 20 and 200. The default length is 20 characters.
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