In SAS, we can run SQL queries via PROC SQL. SQL is a very popular language in analytics. In many recent surveys, it's ranked in top 5 programming languages for data analytics. It's generally used for accessing databases but it can also be used to analyze data efficiently.
PROC SQL has various important functions like SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, JOINS, UNION which helps to analyse data and make data wrangling simpler and faster. SAS has an inbuilt procedure called PROC SQL wherein a user can run SQL queries. It's also useful for people who are good at SQL but don't know SAS so they can solve major data problems by running SQL queries with this procedure.

The following is a step by step guide of proc sql which would help you to learn SQL from scratch and how to run it in SAS. This tutorial is designed keeping in mind users would have no background of programming or SQL. It includes both basics and advanced tutorials related to PROC SQL. If you are novice in SQL, it is recommended to go through the articles below link by link (ordered from starter to advanced).
Basics of PROC SQL
The links below are foundation course. They would help you to get started with PROC SQL.
- Proc SQL Tutorial for Beginners (20 Examples)
- Proc SQL Joins (Merging)
- Combining Tables Vertically with PROC SQL
Practical Proc SQL Tutorials
This section would give you an idea how PROC SQL is used in real world data problems. It includes examples with datasets and codes.
- How to use CASE WHEN Statement
- Insert Rows in the Table
- Alter Table and Update Column
- Intermediate PROC SQL Tutorial
- UNION Operator in PROC SQL
- EXCEPT Operator in PROC SQL
- Proc SQL Self Joins
- Connect to Teradata using SAS
- Join on Multiple Columns
- Join on Multiple Tables
- Comparing two tables
- Find records only exist in one table
- Random Sampling with PROC SQL
- Alternative to _N_ in PROC SQL
Upon completion of the above tutorials, you will be able to write advanced SQL queries. It not only makes you an efficient programmer or analyst but it will boost your career as well.
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