This tutorial covers how to download historical stock prices directly into Excel for free. It automates the extraction of stock data for multiple stocks. It is useful when you need to perform detailed analysis of stocks which you wish to invest. Here source of the data is Yahoo Finance.
- Global Stock Market Access: View stock data from markets around the world.
- Download Stock Data Automatically : Get stock data for multiple stocks at once.
- Access Historical Data : View past stock data to see how stocks have performed over time.
- Get Live Updates : See current stock prices in real-time.
- Choose Data Intervals : Get data in daily, weekly or monthly chunks.
- Minute and Hourly Data: Access detailed stock data for every minute or hour.
- Go to the folder where the downloaded macro file is located.
- Right-click the file and choose Properties from the menu.
- At the bottom of the General tab, select the Unblock checkbox under security option and then click OK.
- Open the file and enter the stock tickers for which you want to download historical information, starting from cell A10.
- Specify period, start and end date and then hit "Get Data from Yahoo Finance" button.
In this excel macro, you have flexibility to play around with the following arguments -
You can select the frequency of historical data for stocks - Minute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.Starting Date
Date on which you want historical data starts fromEnd Date
Date on which you want historical data ends with. Please note that the end date is not included in the range.
Output of stocks downloader look like the image shown above.
Reason for data for 15th February is not included because stocks specified in the input are US stocks and Nasdaq stock market was closed on that day on eve of Presidents' Day in US. Data for 22nd February was excluded because End Date
argument does not include the specified date.
There are two ways to get the real-time price of a stock.
- Set start and end date blank. Make sure period is set as 'Daily'.
- Set the latest date as the Starting Date and (latest date + 1) as the End Date. For example If you want data for 22nd February, specify 23rd February in the "End Date" argument and 22nd February in the "Starting Date" argument.
In cell B6, specifying 5 means five-minute time frame when interval is "Minute". In cell B7, specifying 2 means that two days of data are required for a 'minute' or 'hourly' interval.
Please note that the start date and end date arguments are not considered when the interval is set to either "Minute" or "Hourly".
As shown in the image below, we have stock data with a five-minute time frame presented in tabular format in Excel.
The macro returns time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. To convert it to local time format, you can use the formula below.
Example 1: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is 4 hours behind UTC so we will subtract 4 to the red highlighted section in the following formula.
=TEXT(MID(A2,1,LEN(A2)-4)-4/24,"mmm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss")
Example 2: Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of UTC so we will add 5.5 to the red highlighted section in the following formula.
=TEXT(MID(A2,1,LEN(A2)-4)+5.5/24,"mmm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss")
For US Stocks Yahoo Finance does not require any suffix added in symbols or tickers. You can use it directly. However suffix needs to be entered for non US stocks. See some of the examples below.
Canadian Stocks | Indian Stocks |
Table below shows a complete list of stock exchanges across world and corresponding suffix used for fetching stock quotes from Yahoo Finance.
Country | Market | Suffix |
Argentina | Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BYMA) | .BA |
Austria | Vienna Stock Exchange | .VI |
Australia | Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) | .AX |
Belgium | Euronext Brussels | .BR |
Brazil | Sao Paolo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) | .SA |
Canada | Canadian Securities Exchange | .CN |
Canada | NEO Exchange | .NE |
Canada | Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) | .TO |
Canada | TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) | .V |
Chile | Santiago Stock Exchange | .SN |
China | Shanghai Stock Exchange | .SS |
China | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | .SZ |
Czech Republic | Prague Stock Exchange Index | .PR |
Denmark | Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen | .CO |
Egypt | Egyptian Exchange Index (EGID) | .CA |
Estonia | Nasdaq OMX Tallinn | .TL |
Europe | Euronext | .NX |
Finland | Nasdaq OMX Helsinki | .HE |
France | Euronext Paris | .PA |
Germany | Berlin Stock Exchange | .BE |
Germany | Bremen Stock Exchange | .BM |
Germany | Dusseldorf Stock Exchange | .DU |
Germany | Frankfurt Stock Exchange | .F |
Germany | Hamburg Stock Exchange | .HM |
Germany | Hanover Stock Exchange | .HA |
Germany | Munich Stock Exchange | .MU |
Germany | Stuttgart Stock Exchange | .SG |
Germany | Deutsche Boerse XETRA | .DE |
Greece | Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) | .AT |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)*** | .HK |
Hungary | Budapest Stock Exchange | .BD |
Iceland | Nasdaq OMX Iceland | .IC |
India | Bombay Stock Exchange | .BO |
India | National Stock Exchange of India | .NS |
Indonesia | Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) | .JK |
Ireland | Euronext Dublin | .IR |
Israel | Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | .TA |
Italy | EuroTLX | .TI |
Italy | Italian Stock Exchange | .MI |
Japan | Tokyo Stock Exchange | .T |
Latvia | Nasdaq OMX Riga | .RG |
Lithuania | Nasdaq OMX Vilnius | .VS |
Malaysia | Malaysian Stock Exchange | .KL |
Mexico | Mexico Stock Exchange (BMV) | .MX |
Netherlands | Euronext Amsterdam | .AS |
New Zealand | New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) | .NZ |
Norway | Oslo Stock Exchange | .OL |
Portugal | Euronext Lisbon | .LS |
Qatar | Qatar Stock Exchange | .QA |
Russia | Moscow Exchange (MOEX) | .ME |
Singapore | Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) | .SI |
South Africa | Johannesburg Stock Exchange | .JO |
South Korea | Korea Stock Exchange | .KS |
South Korea | KOSDAQ | .KQ |
Spain | Madrid SE C.A.T.S. | .MC |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) | .SAU |
Sweden | Nasdaq OMX Stockholm | .ST |
Switzerland | Swiss Exchange (SIX) | .SW |
Taiwan | Taiwan OTC Exchange | .TWO |
Taiwan | Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) | .TW |
Thailand | Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) | .BK |
Turkey | Borsa İstanbul | .IS |
United Kingdom | London Stock Exchange | .L |
Venezuela | Caracas Stock Exchange | .CR |
The following VBA code assumes that the period (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) is specified in cell B3, with the start and end dates for which you want stock data in cells B4 and B5. In cells B6 and B7, it is assumed that the time frame and data duration are provided for either a 'minute' or 'hourly' interval data requirement. The symbols of the stocks should start from cell A10. Please refer to the macro file for detailed information on the input controls.
Sub GetData()
Dim InputControls As Worksheet
Dim OutputData As Worksheet
Dim symbol As String
Dim startDate As String
Dim endDate As String
Dim period As String
Dim rng As Integer
Dim last As Double
Dim OffsetCounter As Double
Dim Result As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Sheet Names
Set InputControls = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set OutputData = Sheets("HistoricalData")
With InputControls
last = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
' Arguments
startDate = (InputControls.range("B4") - dateValue("January 1, 1970")) * 86400
endDate = (InputControls.range("B5") - dateValue("January 1, 1970")) * 86400
period = InputControls.range("B3")
timeframe = InputControls.range("B6")
rng = InputControls.range("B7")
Dateminus = -InputControls.range("B4") + InputControls.range("B5")
If period = "Minute" Or period = "Hourly" Then
If Len(timeframe) = 0 Or Len(rng) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cells B6 and B7 cannot be empty when Interval is 'Minute' or 'Hourly'", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
If Dateminus < 1 Then
MsgBox ("Date difference must be atleast one. Since EndDate is not inclusive of the date, you can have one day difference between start and end Date to fetch latest price")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Period
If period = "Daily" Then
period = "1d"
ElseIf period = "Weekly" Then
period = "1wk"
ElseIf period = "Monthly" Then
period = "1mo"
ElseIf period = "Minute" Then
period = timeframe & "m"
ElseIf period = "Hourly" Then
period = timeframe & "h"
End If
'Loop over multiple symbols
For i = 10 To last
symbol = InputControls.range("A" & i).value
OffsetCounter = 1
Call ExtractData(symbol, startDate, endDate, period, rng, OffsetCounter, OutputData)
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
MsgBox ("Task Accomplished. See HistoricalData Tab")
End Sub
Sub ExtractData(Symbols As String, startDate As String, endDate As String, period As String, rng As Integer, OffsetCounter As Double, OutputData As Worksheet)
Dim resultFromYahoo As String
Dim objRequest
Dim nColumns As Integer
Dim tickerURL As String
Dim symbol As String
Dim openPrices() As String
Dim highPrices() As String
Dim lowPrices() As String
Dim closePrices() As String
Dim adjClosePrice() As String
Dim volumes() As String
Dim timestamps() As String
Dim i As Integer
If (Right(period, 1) = "m" Or Right(period, 1) = "h") And rng > 0 Then
tickerURL = "" & Symbols & _
"?interval=" & period & "&range=" & rng & "d"
tickerURL = "" & Symbols & _
"?period1=" & startDate & _
"&period2=" & endDate & _
"&interval=" & period
End If
Set objRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
With objRequest
.Open "GET", tickerURL, False
resultFromYahoo = .responseText
End With
' Extract symbol
symbol = ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """symbol"":""", """")
' Extract open prices (array)
openPrices = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """open"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract high prices (array)
highPrices = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """high"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract low prices (array)
lowPrices = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """low"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract close prices (array)
closePrices = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """close"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract volume (array)
volumes = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """volume"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract timestamps (array)
timestamps = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """timestamp"":[", "]"), ",")
' Extract adj close price
adjClosePrice = Split(ExtractValue(resultFromYahoo, """adjclose"":[{""adjclose"":[", "]}]"), ",")
nColumns = 7
numberOfEntries = UBound(openPrices) - LBound(openPrices) + 1
ReDim combinedData(1 To numberOfEntries, 1 To nColumns)
For i = 1 To numberOfEntries
If rng > 0 Then
dt = Format(CDate(CDbl(timestamps(i - 1)) / 86400 + DateSerial(1970, 1, 1)), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & " " & "UTC"
dt = Format(CDate(CDbl(timestamps(i - 1)) / 86400 + DateSerial(1970, 1, 1)), "yyyy-mm-dd")
End If
combinedData(i, 1) = dt
combinedData(i, 2) = HandleNulls(openPrices(i - 1)) ' Open price
combinedData(i, 3) = HandleNulls(highPrices(i - 1)) ' High price
combinedData(i, 4) = HandleNulls(lowPrices(i - 1)) ' Low price
combinedData(i, 5) = HandleNulls(closePrices(i - 1)) ' Close price
combinedData(i, 6) = HandleNulls(adjClosePrice(i - 1)) ' Adjusted close price
combinedData(i, 7) = HandleNulls(volumes(i - 1)) ' Volume
Next i
range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Offset(OffsetCounter, 0).Select
Selection.Resize(UBound(combinedData, 1), UBound(combinedData, 2)).value = combinedData
range("H1000000").End(xlUp).Offset(OffsetCounter, 0).Select
Selection.Resize(UBound(combinedData, 1), 1).value = Symbols
End Sub
Function ExtractValue(ByVal json As String, ByVal startTag As String, ByVal endTag As String) As String
Dim startPos As Long
Dim endPos As Long
Dim extractedValue As String
startPos = InStr(1, json, startTag) + Len(startTag)
endPos = InStr(startPos, json, endTag)
If startPos > 0 And endPos > 0 Then
extractedValue = Mid(json, startPos, endPos - startPos)
ExtractValue = Trim(extractedValue)
ExtractValue = ""
End If
End Function
Function HandleNulls(value As String) As Double
Dim localeDecimalSeparator As String
localeDecimalSeparator = Mid(CStr(1 / 2), 2, 1) ' Get the system's decimal separator
' Replace the period with the locale's decimal separator
value = Replace(value, ".", localeDecimalSeparator)
If IsNumeric(value) Then
HandleNulls = CDbl(value)
HandleNulls = 0 ' Return 0 if the value is null, empty, or not numeric
End If
End Function
An error occurs when start date and end date are the same. Subscript out of range on this statement:
ReplyDeleteReDim resultArray(0 To UBound(csv_rows), 0 To nColumns) As Variant
Error handling for the same has been added. Thanks!
DeleteReturned data does not include end date.
ReplyDeleteAn error occurs when running when executing the subroutine "getCookieCrumb" Excel debugger highlights the .send in the routine.
ReplyDeleteAny suggestions how to fix this?
It has been fixed
DeleteHi Deepanshu, thanks a lot for your great macro! It seems Yahoo changed something recently. For a few days now, I no longer get the usual csv table in the variable "resultFromYahoo". I now get the following error message:
ReplyDelete"{"finance":{"result":null,"error":{"code":"unauthorized","description":"User is not logged in"}}}"
Do you know if Yahoo requires now a user login? Is there any quick fix?
Thanks and kind regards,
I have fixed the code and the updated file is uploaded to the drive. Please check and let me know if it works for you. Thanks!
DeleteHi Deepanshu, thanks a lot for your quick response. Unfortunaly, I get only zero values when I run the new version. I saw you replaced "" by "". Isn't here any possibilty to get the same table as before? I confess I know nothing about queries on Yahoo but I was also using the previous result in another macro and I liked the previous output which was much more user friendly.
DeleteDo you know if we can still get this previous output?
It's not just a change of the URL but also how data being stored in variables. Are you using my macro file or some modified version of the previous macro file? Are you getting only zero values in my macro file? If yes, which symbol you are using?
DeleteIt's working fine at my end. It seems to be server issue as dates and volume data seem to be fetched correctly. We can't make changes in the previous url as it stopped working..
DeleteOk, too bad but thanks again for your help anyway. Have a nice rest of day!
DeleteI made a few minor changes in the updated file. See if it works for you now.
DeleteHi Deepanshu, thanks a lot for the follow up. It's still not working but I've identified why:
Delete1) For some reason "Dim openPrices() As String" doesn't dimension openPrices (and the other variables alike) as arrays. Therefore, when "openPrices = Split(ExtractValue(..." is executed it generates an error. Seems it can be fixed by "Dim openPrices" instead.
2) I'm based in Europe and the decimal separator is "," and not ".", so in function HandleNulls, the line "If IsNumeric(value) Then" results in an error i.e. "160.254" is not considered as a number. This is why all values are nil except the Date and the Volume (which is not decimal). I guess I need to replace "." by "," beforehand. I'll work on that this week-end ;-).
Kind regards, Évariste
Your second point seems convincing but I couldn't replicate the issue. I tried changing the system's regional settings and using a VPN for Europe but I'm still not getting zeros. It still worked for me. When you use Debug.Print resultFromYahoo, what JSON are you seeing in the immediate window? Also if you remove HandleNulls, did you have any success? (Try with only the latest date, so there's no chance of a null value from the source data)
DeleteAlso try with this updated function and see if it works --
DeleteFunction HandleNulls(value As String) As Double
Dim localeDecimalSeparator As String
localeDecimalSeparator = Mid(CStr(1 / 2), 2, 1)
' Replace the period with the locale's decimal separator
value = Replace(value, ".", localeDecimalSeparator)
If IsNumeric(value) Then
HandleNulls = CDbl(value)
HandleNulls = 0 ' Return 0 if the value is null, empty, or not numeric
End If
End Function
Thanks a lot for your support, it works well now!
DeleteThanks again and kind regards,
Awesome. Just wanted to double check the updated function HandleNulls works for you..
DeleteYes, the HandleNulls function works fine now 👍, thanks!
DeleteHi Deepanshu, while downloading NSE data I am getting error code Subscript Out of Range error. If I click on debug it's stopped at "ReDim combinedData(1 To numberOfEntries, 1 To nColumns)" line. Only first stock data from list was loaded and then this error is coming. Please check and help.
ReplyDeleteWhat starting and end date you used in the file? What symbols are you using?
DeleteIs it working for multiple US Stocks at your end?
DeleteI don't provide support that's beyond the code mentioned in the article
DeleteHi Deepanshi - does your macro have (or can it be modified) to download dividend info from Yahoo after the recent change in Sept that Yahoo made?
ReplyDeleteNo, dividend information is not stored in this API. It's a separate API. What exactly dividend information do you want?
DeleteSimilar to historical stock prices that you have, allow the user to enter a symbol, start and end date and return all the dividend payouts for the dates for that symbol. see this screen on Yahoo
Got it. It's in the same API only. I will work on it tomorrow and update you. I will create a new post for this as it will be confusing to include dividend in this macro.
Deletethanks Deepanshu. Looking forward to it - suspect your spreadsheet/macro will get fantastic usage as many people look to download historic dividend info. I certainly will find it incredibly helpful. Thank you in advance !!
DeleteI have prepared the macro. Check out this link -
DeleteAnd for clarity, allow the user to enter a list of symbols (by way of a table), and have the API return all dividends for all the symbols in the table for the given time period.
ReplyDeleteHi Deepanshu thank you very much for your code working perfect.
ReplyDeleteBut when i am trying to implement (just change url) in my sheet its giving no error and result blank. if possible can you check code and modify please as i dont have any codeing knowlage below code also i pickup from internet only and did my required changes in excel file and if i want to share my excel vba file please suggest the option. Saying comment is too long
The old URL you were using no longer works. Use the macro file mentioned in the article.
Deleteused new URL still result is blank. Please if u allow i'll share my VBA excel file link (wetransfer)
DeleteEach URL (API) has a different structure and can't be as simple as just replacing the URL. I don't provide support that's beyond the code mentioned in the article.
DeleteHi Deepanshu,
ReplyDeleteJust a quick pointer:
StartPos will always be > 0, as you have added Len(startTag)
Function ExtractValue(ByVal json As String, ByVal startTag As String, ByVal endTag As String) As String
Dim startPos As Long
Dim endPos As Long
Dim extractedValue As String
startPos = InStr(1, json, startTag) + Len(startTag) ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
endPos = InStr(startPos, json, endTag)
If startPos > 0 And endPos > 0 Then
extractedValue = Mid(json, startPos, endPos - startPos)
ExtractValue = Trim(extractedValue)
ExtractValue = ""
End If
End Function
Thanks for highlighting
DeleteHi Deepanshu, your macro works perfectly fine on Windows but there's an error when running on Mac. I know you don't provide support on iOS but maybe you can help me searching in the right direction. In sub "getCookieCrumb", I get an error at line:
ReplyDeleteSet objRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
The error message is:
Run-time error 429: ActiveX component can't create object
Any idea what I could do to fix it?
The macro can run on both Windows and macOS. Download the latest file. Please check and confirm the same. Thanks!
DeleteHi Deepanshu, thanks for the update. The latest macro seems to work on macOS. However, the VBA code is password protected and I'd like to access to it (I made some slight adjustments to the previous version). Would you mind removing the password? Or sending it to me in a separate email ( Thanks!
DeleteI have removed the password.
DeleteThanks a lot Deepanshu. Have a nice day!
DeleteHi Deepanshu, it seems I'm unlucky these days... Your macro worked fine last week but now I get an error message box on Mac:
Delete"microsoft visual basic - Internal error"
Any idea why it doesn't work? I can't even compile the VB code. I'm on Mac OS Ventura 13.7 and MS Office 365 on Mac.
(It still work on Windows.)
I don't know what's causing this issue. It seems related to the recent updates. Contact Microsoft support team.
DeleteThanks, will do!