How to Add IPs to a Blocklist in Cloudflare

Deepanshu Bhalla Add Comment

Blocking IP addresses in Cloudflare can help protect your website from spam or malicious attacks.

You can follow the steps below to add IPs to a block list and prevent unwanted traffic.

Step 1 : Create a Custom List
  1. Sign in to your Cloudflare Dashboard.
  2. Select Manage Account > Configurations and then click on Lists.
  3. Click Create list.
  4. Write any name for your list and choose IP under Type.
  5. Click Create button to create the list.
  6. Select Edit next to the list and then select Add items.
  7. Now either enter IP addresses manually or upload CSV file containing IP addresses.
Step 2 : Create Firewall Rule
  1. Log in to your Cloudflare Dashboard and select your domain.

  2. Select Security > WAF and click on Firewall Rules.

  3. Click Create Rule, then follow these steps:

    • Select IP Source Address as the field.
    • Select is in list as a operator.
    • Enter the name of the list you created in the previous step.
    • Set the action to Block.
  4. Click Deploy to activate this rule.

Step 3 : Dynamically Adding IP Addresses to a Blocklist

Cloudflare's API allows you to dynamically add IP addresses to a blocklist. It will help you automate it in real time.

To use API, you need API key and account id. Refer the instructions below for the same.

Instructions : You can find your API key in the Cloudflare dashboard by clicking on profile icon (top-right) > My Profile > API Tokens. Either you can use global API key or you can create a custom API token with specific permissions. The account ID is available on the Overview page of your site in Cloudflare.

The following code adds IP addresses to a blocklist in cloudflare. Don't forget to enter your cloudflare credentials, list name and ip addresses you wanted to add in the code below.

import os
from cloudflare import Cloudflare

# Define Cloudflare API credentials
API_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
ACCOUNT_ID = "xxxxxxxx"
RULE_LIST_NAME = "blocked_ips"

# Define IPs to add
new_ips = ["", "", ""]

# Initialize Cloudflare Client
client = Cloudflare(api_email=API_EMAIL, api_key=API_KEY)

def get_rule_list_id():
    """Find the rule list ID by name"""
    response = client.rules.lists.list(account_id=ACCOUNT_ID)
    for rule_list in response.result:
        if == RULE_LIST_NAME:
    print(f"Rule list '{RULE_LIST_NAME}' not found.")
    return None

# Prepare the payload
payload = [{"ip": ip} for ip in new_ips]

# Retrieve the rule list ID using the correct account ID
rule_list_id = get_rule_list_id()
if rule_list_id is None:
    raise Exception("Could not find the specified rule list.")

# Create the rule list item with the payload using the same account ID
item = client.rules.lists.items.create(

print("Operation ID:", item.operation_id)
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Deepanshu Bhalla

Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective - Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. During his tenure, he worked with global clients in various domains like Banking, Insurance, Private Equity, Telecom and HR.

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