This tutorial explains how to create and use SAS macros with practical examples. SAS Macro programming is considered an advanced skill in SAS. Knowing SAS Macros can give you an advantage in the job market over other candidates.

Introduction to SAS Macros
SAS Macros are used to automate the repetitive task. It can make your work faster by automating the task that requires writing same lines of code every day. It can also be used when you design a complex algorithm and want to make usage of code user friendly so that people who are not comfortable with programming can use your algorithm.
The fundamentals of SAS macros involve understanding the basic concepts and components of SAS macro programming. Here are the basics you need to know:
Macro Variables
A macro variable is used to store a value in SAS. The value is always character. The character value can include variable-name, letters, numbers or any text you want substituted in your program.
Macro Variables are of two types -
- Local - If the macro variable is defined inside a macro code, then scope is local. It would be available for use in that macro only and gets removed when the macro is finished.
- Global - If the macro variable is defined outside a macro code, then scope is global. It can be use any where in the SAS program and gets removed at the end of the session.
The following is a list of various ways to create a macro variable in SAS, along with examples.
1. %LET
The %LET can defined inside or outside a macro.
The syntax of the %LET statement is as follows -
%LET macro-variable-name = value;
%LET x = 5;Example - To store system date.
%let dt = &sysdate;
Macro variables are referenced by using ampersand (&) followed by macro variable name.
& <Macro variable Name>
To view in log window what macro variable would return, use %PUT statement :
%put &dt.; %put NOTE : system data is &dt.;
Result : 'NOTE : system data is 23DEC23'
Please note that unlike the PUT statement, the text string is not enclosed in quotes in %PUT. The quotes are not needed because, unlike in the DATA step, the macro facility does not need to distinguish between variable names and text strings.
2. Macro Parameters
Suppose you are asked to write a macro that returns mean value of a variable. The analysis variable, input and output data sets are dynamic.
%macro test (input =, ivar=, output=); proc means data = &input noprint; var &ivar; output out = &output mean= ; run; %mend;
In the above code, test is a macro; input, ivar and output are local macro variables.
%test(input=sashelp.heart, ivar= height, output=test);
In this case, we are giving flexibility to users to provide information of input dataset name, the analysis variable and output dataset and the macro returns the mean value of the analysis variable in the output dataset.
3. INTO clause in PROC SQL
Example : Suppose you are asked to calculate average height and store in a macro variable.
proc means data = sashelp.heart noprint; var height; output out = test mean= avg_height; run;
proc sql noprint; select avg_height into :var1 from test; quit; %put &var1;
Result : 64.81318
4. CALL SYMPUT routine
The syntax of CALL SYMPUT is as follows:
CALL SYMPUT(macro_varname,value);
data _null_; set test; call symput ('var2',avg_height); run; %put &var2;
Below is the syntax of iterative %DO -
%DO macro-variable = start %TO stop <%BY increment>; . . . text . . . %END;
Example -
%macro calcl(start,stop); %do year = &start %to &stop; data test; set yr&year; year = 2000 + &year; run; %end; %mend calcl;
In SAS Macros, we can apply conditional statements using %IF %THEN like below -
options mindelimiter=,; options minoperator; %MACRO test(); %DO i = 1 %to 9 ; %if &i in (1,3,5,7,9) %then %do; %PUT i = &i - odd; %END; %ELSE %DO; %PUT i = &i - even; %end; %end; %MEND; %test();
If you are confused between IF-THEN and %IF-THEN and don't know when to use, check out the link below -
Tutorial : Difference between IF THEN and %IF %THEN
SAS Macro Functions
There are some SAS macro functions which help you to execute various operations within a macro. Below is a list of SAS Macro Functions.
1. %EVAL Function
It is used to perform mathematical and logical operation with macro variables.
Example -%let x = 10; %let y = 20; %let z = &x * &y; %put &z;It returns "10*20".
%let z2 = %eval(&x*&y); %put &z2;
It returns 200.
Note : : %let last = %eval (4.5+3.2); returns error as it cannot perform arithmetic calculations with operands that have the floating point values. It is when the %SYSEVALF function comes into picture.
%let last2 = %sysevalf(4.5+3.2); %put &last2;
It returns 7.7
2. %SYSFUNC Function
There are several useful Base SAS function that are not directly available in Macro, %Sysfunc enables those function to make them work in a macro.
%let dt3 = %sysfunc(date(),yymmdd10.);
It returns 2016-12-23.
3. %STR Function
Usage I : This function removes the normal meaning of following token + – * /, > < = ; “ LT EQ GT LE GE LE NE AND OR NOT blank.
Suppose we need to store PROC PRINT; RUN; command in a macro variable.
%let exmp0 = proc print; run;; %put &exmp0;
Result : proc print
Since the semicolon following PRINT terminates the %LET statement. It does not consider RUN statement. To workaround this issue, let's use %STR function.
%let exmpl = %str(proc print; run;) ; %put &exmpl;
Result : proc print; run;
Usage II : Precede with % sign when you use single or double quotation in macro.
%let var=%str(a%"); %put &var;
Result : a"
If you would not use %STR function in the above example, you would not be able to store quotes in a macro variable.
Usage III : It also preserves leading and trailing blanks of the string.
%let dt= %str( a ); %put &dt;
Run the above code and compare it with the code below, you would understand the difference -
%let dt= a ; %put &dt;
4. %NRSTR Function
%NRSTR works similar to %STR works except it does not resolve the % and & but stop the macro triggers.
%let exmpl = %nrstr(proc print; run;) ; %put &exmpl;
Result : proc print; run;
%put "Difference between %NRSTR(&SYSDATE9) and &SYSDATE9";
Result : "Difference between &SYSDATE9 and 23DEC2016"
In the above case, %NRSTR() stops the &SYSDATE9 macro function.
5. %SCAN Function
The %SCAN function returns the nth word in a string.
%let var = var1 var2 var3; %let varName =%scan(&var,1,%str( )); %put &varName;
Result : var1
Suppose you have 3 macro variables and the third variable is actually a concatenation of the first 2 variables' value.
%let x = var; %let y = 1 ; %let var1 = 25; %let z = &&&x&y; %put &x &y &z;Result : var 1 25
&z returns 25 because first && resolves to &, &x resolves to var, &y. resolves to 1. So var1 returns 25.
Detailed Tutorial : Multiple Ampersand Macro Variables
How to store list of values in a macro variable
Suppose you have a list of names and you want to store them in a macro variable. It can be done by using SEPARATED BY ' ' keyword in PROC SQL.
data temp; input name $16.; cards; Deepanshu Bhalla Dave Jhonson Ram Prasad ; run;
proc sql; select name into: myvar separated by ',' from temp; quit;
%put &myvar; returns Deepanshu Bhalla,Dave Jhonson,Ram Prasad
In this case, we have used comma(,) as a delimiter. We can use any other delimiter.
How to debug SAS Macros
There are some system options that can be used to debug SAS Macros:
MPRINT translates the macro language to regular SAS language. It displays all the SAS statements of the resolved macro code.
options mprint; %macro test (input =,output=); proc means data = &input noprint; var height; output out = &output mean= ; run; %mend; %test(input=sashelp.heart,output=test);
It returns the following message in LOG window :
MPRINT(TEST): proc means data = sashelp.heart noprint; MPRINT(TEST): var height; MPRINT(TEST): output out = test mean= ; MPRINT(TEST): run;
It is very helpful when we deal with nested macros (Macro inside another macro). Often we use %DO loops and or %IF-%THEN-%ELSE statements inside the macro code and LOGIC option will display how the macro variable resolved each time in the LOG file as TRUE or FALSE.
options mlogic; options mindelimiter=,; options minoperator; %MACRO test(); %DO i = 1 %to 9 ; %if &i in (1,3,5,7,9) %then %do; %PUT i = &i - odd; %END; %ELSE %DO; %PUT i = &i - even; %end; %end; %MEND; %test();
In the log window, see what MLOGIC option produces -
MLOGIC(TEST): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 9; by value is 1. MLOGIC(TEST): %IF condition &i in (1,3,5,7,9) is TRUE MLOGIC(TEST): %PUT i = &i - odd i = 1 - odd MLOGIC(TEST): %DO loop index variable I is now 2; loop will iterate again. MLOGIC(TEST): %IF condition &i in (1,3,5,7,9) is FALSE MLOGIC(TEST): %PUT i = &i - even i = 2 - even
It writes the results of resolving macro variable references to the SAS log for debugging.
options symbolgen; %macro test (input =,output=); proc means data = &input noprint; var height; output out = &output mean= ; run; %mend; %test(input=sashelp.heart,output=test);
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable INPUT resolves to sashelp.heart
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable OUTPUT resolves to test
See the log generated by these two options. MPRINT option prints all the statements within the macro (not just macro variables). Whereas, SYMBOLGEN option prints only the results of macro variables.
options nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen;
All of these options can be turned off together as specified above. Or one of them can be turned off and remaining ones keep turned on.
Important Tips: SAS Macros
Here are some important tips related to SAS Macros :
1. Use double quotes to reference macro variables.

2. The quotes are not needed in %PUT.
%put NOTE : system data is &dt.;
3. Use Proc PRINTTO for saving log in an external text file.
proc printto log="C:\Users\Deepanshu\Downloads\LOG2.txt" new; run;
4. How to Clear LOG and OUTPUT Window
DM "Log" clear continue; DM "Output" clear continue;
How to Call SAS Macro from External Location
There are two main ways to call a SAS macro from an external location.
%include "C:\Users\Deepanshu\Downloads\"; %test;
Suppose your macro is stored in a location and you need to call it from the location. You can accomplish this task using %Include.
See the detailed explanation of these two methods
Calculate distinct number of categories (levels) in variable make in dataset and store it in a macro variable and later multiply the macro variable by 2.5. Answer it in the comment box below.
Nice Explanation.Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNice one..can you please give us some practical examples on macros...
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
Nice one..can you please give us some practical examples on macros...
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
Good Explanation
ReplyDeleteHi guys,
ReplyDeleteI have a dataset :
data imptbase.data_manipulation;
infile datalines;
input filename $ macroname $ sequence;
area inserted 1
area deleted 2
area dropped 3
country inserted 1
country deleted 2
country sorted 3
My intension is to create a macro variable called MAC1 to MAC&mx1 that will hold the macro names. Eg.for filename AREA mac1 will hold value as "Inserted", mac2 will hold "deleted" and so on.
NOTE : &mx1 will be clear from below given code.
%macro abc;
proc sql;
select count(distinct filename)into :ank from imptbase.data_manipulation;
%let ank1 = %eval(&ank);
proc sql;
%do i = 1 %to &ank1;
select distinct(filename) into :file1 - :file&ank1 from imptbase.data_manipulation;
select max(sequence) into :mx from imptbase.data_manipulation where filename = "&&file&i";
%let mx1 = %eval(&mx);
select distinct(macroname) into :mac1 - :mac&mx1 from imptbase.data_manipulation where filename = "&&file&i";
%put &file1 &file2 &mx &mac1 &mac2 &mac3;
%do j = 1 %to &mx1;
Desired value of mac1 = inserted, mac2 = deleted, mac3 = dropped.
But it is getting displayed in log as mac1 = deleted, mac2 = dropped, mac3 = inserted.
problem with this code is value of macroname are getting sorted alphbetically(dont know why?)
Can anybody plz help to get the desired output.
Thanks in advance.
When you are creating macros mac1 to mac&mx1 you need to sort based on sequence so that you will get the required output.
Deleteplease replace the below code after creating the &mx1 macro variable
select distinct(macroname) into :mac1 - :mac&mx1 from imptbase.data_manipulation where filename = "&&file&i" order by sequence;
Hi Guys
ReplyDeleteCould someone please tell me that a SAS Macro use PDV or not.
If yes then in what circumstances because how much i know Macro facility does not have PDV.
Deepanshu could you please add a page about this in SAS Macro section. If you could then i will be very much thankfull to you.
DeleteI guess you are confusing yourself by comparing SAS PDV with SAS MACRO Processing, both are different.
SAS PDV get created while data step processing while SAS macro gets processed by SAS macro processor.
Hi Deepanshu,
ReplyDeleteThere is one mmore I know iss %window statement
I wish I had found this blog earlier! It's great. :)
ReplyDeleteAnswer to exercise:
ReplyDeleteproc sql;
select count(distinct make) into :mk from;
%put &mk.;
%put %sysevalf(&mk.*2.5);
awesome blog man! keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHI ALl,
ReplyDeletei have below mentioned data.
data tab1;
input custid$ @6 saledate mmddyy10. @17 variety $9. @26 quantity ;
format saledate mmddyy10.;
240w 02-07-2003 ginger 120
240w 02-07-2003 protea 180
356w 02-08-2003 heliconia 60
356w 02-08-2003 anthurium 300
188r 02-11-2003 ginger 24
188r 02-11-2003 anthurium 24
240w 02-12-2003 heliconia 48
240w 02-12-2003 protea 48
356w 02-12-2003 'ginger' 240
i made below macro for same.
%macro new (flowertype=);
proc print data=tab1;
where variety ="&flowertype" & custid="&id";
%new (flowertype=ginger);
Can anyone tell me how to make macro of dates. Like i make flowertype and its ginger when i will mention any flowertype in macro then it will give me print. Same way i want to make macro of Date. if i will mention particular date then macro will show me the result of that date only.
By simply putting d after quotation mark in the where clause.
DeleteE.g. where saledate = “&date”d ;
IF Location="%SCAN(&LOC,1,' ')" THEN OUTPUT %SCAN(&LOC,1,' ');
ELSE IF Location ="%SCAN(&LOC,2,' ')" THEN OUTPUT %SCAN(&LOC,2,' ');
ELSE IF Location="%SCAN(&LOC,3,' ')" THEN OUTPUT %SCAN(&LOC,3,' ');
the code which you have written must be like this :
ReplyDelete%macro Subset (Dset1=,Dset= ,var= );
data &Dset1;
set &Dset;
where Location="&var";
The count is 95.
ReplyDeletedata abcd;
ReplyDeleteinput Acct CU_IND TRNS_CNT TRNS_AMT SUM;
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 5 50 55
1 1 5 50 55
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 100 102
1 1 2 100 102
2 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 250 251
2 1 1 250 251
2 1 1 250 251
3 1 2 250 252
3 1 2 200 202
3 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 850 851
3 1 1 850 851
3 1 1 850 851
4 1 1 90 91
4 1 1 90 91
required output is
1 1 5 50 55
1 1 2 100 102
2 1 1 250 251
3 1 1 850 851
4 1 1 90 91
proc sort data=abcd nodup out=pp;
Deleteby _all_;
It is very helpful. Thank you so much!
ReplyDelete/* 1. create macro test */
%macro test (input=, ivar=, out=);
proc sort data=&input out=sort;
by &ivar;
data c;
set sort;
by &ivar;
if first.&ivar;
proc means data=c;
output out=&out N=num;
/* 2. call macro test */
%test(, ivar=make, out=m);
/* 3. proc sql */
proc sql;
select num into: var1 separated by ','
from m;
%put &var1;
/* It shows:38 */
%let x=&var1*2.5;
%let y=%sysevalf(&x);
%put &y;
/* It shows: 95 */
/* End */
i have a question,
ReplyDeletesuppose we have a data set consisting of the monthly income of a group of people over the years and we have to extract the income data of every third month of the people. how it could be done using macros?
Good Job. Very useful blog :)
ReplyDeleteselect distinct make into :k1 from;
ReplyDelete%put &k1*2.5;
proc sql;
Deleteselect distinct make into :k1 from;
%put &k1*2.5;
hi..i'am unable to run macros in SAS studio..can any one help??
ReplyDelete"Calculate distinct number of categories (levels) in variable make in dataset and store it in a macro variable and later multiply the macro variable by 2.5" please check code below
ReplyDeleteproc sql noprint;
select count(distinct make) into:makecnt from;
%put %sysevalf(&makecnt*2.5);
what rubbish !! program for iterative %do not working
ReplyDeleteyou're doing such a great job Deepanshu. your whole material is better than any other source that is available online.This blog helped me get a job. Forever greatfull!! Thank you
ReplyDeleteproc sql;
ReplyDeleteSelect count(distinct make) into: make
option symbolgen;
%let make2 = %sysevalf(&make * 2.5);
%put &make &make2;
38 95
Thank you for detailed article with macro details not found in other resources. Kudos on your site filled with information on SAS, R, and Python. Will be a frequent visitor here.
Hi Everyone can anyone help me where from I can learn SAS Base/Advanced programming?
ReplyDeleteI need to work on macros as well is required in current work.
If anyone have pdf of sas advance book please share with me.
PROC sql;
ReplyDeletecreate table made as
select distinct(count(*)) as make
data _null_;
set made;
call symput("make", make);
%put &make;
data new;
@Deepanshu Do you know Amit Kumar/Sir?
ReplyDelete%MACRO ABC;
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand
is required. The condition was: &ABC*&2.5