Run SQL Queries in R

Deepanshu Bhalla 5 Comments
This tutorial explains how to run sql queries in R with sqldf package.

Install and Load Package
Create sample data
dt <- data.frame( ID = c('X1','X2','X4','X2','X1','X4','X3','X2','X1','X3'),
  Value = c(4,3,1,3,4,6,6,1,8,4))
Example 1 : Select first 3 rows
x = sqldf("select * from dt limit 3")
Example 2 : Handle dot (.) in Column and Table names 

Put the names in double quotes
test <- data.frame( x.1 = 1:10 )
sqldf( 'SELECT "x.1" FROM test' )
test.2 = data.frame(x= sample(10))
sqldf( 'SELECT * FROM "test.2" ' )

Example 3 : Subset rows 
x2 = sqldf("select * from dt where Value >= 4")
Example 4 : Concatenate two data frames 

x3 = sqldf("select * from x union all select * from x2")
Example 5 : Create a new variable
x4 = sqldf("select *, value*2 as newval from dt ")
Example 6 : Merge with another table
dt2 <- data.frame( ID = c('A1','A2','A4','A2','A1','A4','A3','A2','A1','A3'),
                  ColID = c('Saving',
x5 = sqldf("select a.*,b.ColID from dt a left join (select distinct ID, ColID from  dt2) b
           on a.ID = b.ID")
Example 7 : Working with Dates
test1 <- data.frame(sale_date = as.Date(c("2008-08-01", "2031-01-09","1990-01-03")))
sqldf("select MAX(sale_date) from test1")
Example 8 : Cumulative Sum
# Upper case is folded to lower case by default so surround ID with double quotes
x6 = sqldf("select *, sum(Value) over (partition by "ID" order by Value) colsum from dt ") 
Example 9 : Ranking within Group
# Upper case is folded to lower case by default so surround ID with double quotes
x7 = sqldf("select *,  rank() over (partition by "ID" order by Value) rank from dt")
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About Author:
Deepanshu Bhalla

Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective - Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. During his tenure, he worked with global clients in various domains like Banking, Insurance, Private Equity, Telecom and HR.

Post Comment 5 Responses to "Run SQL Queries in R"
  1. library(RPostgreSQL)
    # Upper case is folded to lower case by default so surround ID with double quotes
    x7 = sqldf("select *, rank() over (partition by "ID" order by Value) rank from dt")

    This code is not working

  2. How can i connect R language to oracle sql server and then use sqldf on it?

  3. I keep getting errors whenever I try to use the RPostgreSQL or RH2 libraries. I can run all the code except the code involving those two libraries. Loading them is fine. However, commands that used to work normally with vanilla sqldf stop working when I load those libraries.

  4. How can I collect result of stored procedure i R?

  5. How can I collect result of stored procedure in R?

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