This tutorial explains how to count distinct values of variables using PROC SQL and PROC FREQ. We will also check the performance of these two approaches.
PROC SQL : Count Distinct Values
PROC SQL : Count Distinct Values
proc sql;
create table t as
select count(distinct make) as n_make, count(distinct type) as n_type
,count(distinct origin) as n_origin
PROC FREQ : Count Distinct Values
Performance Testing : PROC SQL vs. PROC FREQ
I have stacked raw data set multiple times (500 to 5000 times) to check the performance of these two procedures. In addition, i have added NOPRINT and ODS OUTPUT CLOSE to improve efficiency of the PROC FREQ code.
ods output nlevels = charlevels;
proc freq (keep = make type origin) nlevels;
tables make type origin / nopercent nocol nocum nofreq noprint;
ods output close;
Performance Testing : PROC SQL vs. PROC FREQ
Count Distinct Values of a Variable |
%macro stack (inputdata =, iterations=, out=);data temp;length x $45.;do i = 1 to &iterations.;if i then x = "&inputdata.";output;end;drop i;run;proc sql noprint;select x into: n separated by ' 'from temp;quit;data &out.;set &n;run;ods output nlevels = charlevels;proc freq data=outdata (keep = make type origin) nlevels;tables make type origin / nopercent nocol nocum nofreq noprint;run;ods output close;proc sql;create table t asselect count(distinct make) as n_make, count(distinct type) as n_type,count(distinct origin) as n_originfrom outdata;quit;%mend;%stack (inputdata =, iterations= 500, out= outdata);%stack (inputdata =, iterations= 1000, out= outdata);%stack (inputdata =, iterations= 2000, out= outdata);%stack (inputdata =, iterations= 5000, out= outdata);
Nice post. Your PROC FREQ solution could also use the built-in variables _ALL_, _CHARACTER_, _NUMERIC_ to avoid having to list (or even know the names of) individual variables. I don't know of a way to do the same via PROC SQL.