These are the most frequently asked Advanced SAS Interview Questions and Answers. It covers topics on PROC SQL, SAS Macros, Advanced Data Manipulation case studies. These questions are best suited for interviews for SAS Developer, SAS Programmer role. It includes some common tricky and tough questions that are generally asked in an interview.
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Advanced SAS Interview Questions and Answers |
To see a list of Base SAS Interview Questions, Click on this link : 50+ Base SAS Interview Questions and Answers
3. How to calculate cumulative sum by group
Cumulative Sum by X
Create Sample Data
Data Step : Self Join
8. Create a macro variable and store TomDick&Harry
Issue : When the value is assigned to the macro variable, the ampersand placed after TomDick may cause SAS to interpret it as a macro trigger and an warning message would be occurred.
11. How can we use COUNTW function in a macro
14. How to debug %IF %THEN statements in a macro code
15. Difference between %EVAL and %SYSEVALF functions
Both %EVAL and %SYSEVALF are used to perform mathematical and logical operation with macro variables. %let last = %eval (4.5+3.2); returns error as %EVAL cannot perform arithmetic calculations with operands that have the floating point values. It is when the %SYSEVALF function comes into picture.
16. What would be the value of i after the code below completes
17. How to compare two tables with PROC SQL
The EXCEPT operator returns rows from the first query that are not part of the second query.
18. Selecting Random Samples with PROC SQL
The RANUNI and OUTOBS functions can be used for selecting N random samples. The RANUNI function is used to generate random numbers.
In PROC SORT, NODUPKEY option is used to remove duplicates based on a variable. In SQL, we can do it like this :
20. How to make SAS stop macro processing on Error
Check out this link - Stop SAS Macro on Error
21. Count Number of Variables assigned in a macro variables
22. Two ways to assign incremental value by group
See the snapshot below -
Prepare Input Data
25. How would DATA STEP MERGE and PROC SQL JOIN works on the following datasets shown in the image below?
The DATA step does not handle many-to-many matching very well. When we perform many to many merges. the result should be a cartesian (cross) product. For example, if there are three records that match from one contributing data set to two records from the other, the resulting data set should have 3 × 2 = 6 records. Whereas, PROC SQL creates a cartesian product in case of many to many relationship.
29. Write a macro with CALL EXECUTE
Detailed Explanation of CALL EXECUTE
30. Write a macro to split data into N number of datasets
Suppose you are asked to write a macro to split large data into 2 parts (not static 2). In the macro, user should have flexibility to change the number of datasets to be created.
31. Store value in each row of a variable into macro variables
1. Two ways to select every second row in a data set
data example;MOD Function returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument. _N_ corresponds to each row. The second row would be calculated like (2/2) which returns zero remainder.
set sashelp.class;
if mod(_n_,2) eq 0;
data example1;
do i = 2 to nobs by 2;
set sashelp.class point=i nobs=nobs;
2. How to select every second row of a group
Suppose we have a table sashelp.class. We want every second row by variable 'sex'.
proc sort data = sashelp.class;Tutorial : First. and Last. Variables
by sex;
data example2 (drop = N);
set sashelp.class;
by sex;
if then N = 1;
else N +1;
if N = 2 then output;
3. How to calculate cumulative sum by group
Create Sample Data
data abcd;
input x y;
1 25
1 28
1 27
2 23
2 35
2 34
3 25
3 29
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Cumulative Sum by Group |
data example3;
set abcd;
if first.x then z1 = y;
else z1 + y;
by x;
4. Can both WHERE and IF statements be used for subsetting on a newly derived variable?
No. Only IF statement can be used for subsetting when it is based on a newly derived variable. WHERE statement would return an error "newly derived variable is not on file".
Please note that WHERE Option can be used for subsetting on a newly created variable.
6. Two ways to create a macro variable that counts the number of observations in a dataset
7. Suppose you have data for employees. It comprises of employees' name, ID and manager ID. You need to find out manager name against each employee ID.
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SAS : WHERE vs. IF |
Please note that WHERE Option can be used for subsetting on a newly created variable.
data example4 (where =(z <=50));5. Select the Second Highest Score with PROC SQL
set abcd;
z = x*y;
data example5;
input Name $ Score;
sam 75
dave 84
sachin 92
ram 91
proc sql;Tutorial : Learn PROC SQL with 20 Examples
select *
from example5
where score in (select max(score) from example5 where score not in (select max(score) from example5));
6. Two ways to create a macro variable that counts the number of observations in a dataset
data _NULL_;
if 0 then set sashelp.class nobs=n;
call symputx('totalrows',n);
%put nobs=&totalrows.;
proc sql;
select count(*) into: nrows from sashelp.class;
%put nobs=%left(&nrows.);
7. Suppose you have data for employees. It comprises of employees' name, ID and manager ID. You need to find out manager name against each employee ID.
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SQL: Self Join |
data example2;
input Name $ ID ManagerID;
Smith 123 456
Robert 456 .
William 222 456
Daniel 777 222
Cook 383 222
SQL Self Join
proc sql;
create table want as
select a.*, b.Name as Manager
from example2 as a left join example2 as b
on a.managerid =;
Data Step : Self Join
proc sort data=example2 out=x;
by ManagerID;
proc sort data=example2 out=y (rename=(Name=Manager ID=ManagerID ManagerID=ID));
by ID;
data want;
merge x (in= a) y (in=b);
by managerid;
if a;
8. Create a macro variable and store TomDick&Harry
Issue : When the value is assigned to the macro variable, the ampersand placed after TomDick may cause SAS to interpret it as a macro trigger and an warning message would be occurred.
%let x = %NRSTR(TomDick&Harry);
%PUT &x.;
%NRSTR function is a macro quoting function which is used to hide the normal meaning of special tokens and other comparison and logical operators so that they appear as constant text as well as to mask the macro triggers ( %, &).
9. Difference between %STR and %NRSTR
Both %STR and %NRSTR functions are macro quoting functions which are used to hide the normal meaning of special tokens and other comparison and logical operators so that they appear as constant text. The only difference is %NRSTR can mask the macro triggers ( %, &) whereas %STR cannot.
10. How to pass unmatched single or double quotations text in a macro variable
%let eg = %str(%'x);If the argument to %STR or %NRSTR contains an single or double quotation mark or an unmatched open or close parenthesis, precede each of these characters with a % sign.
%let eg2 = %str(x%");
%put ⪚
%put &eg2;
11. How can we use COUNTW function in a macro
%let cntvar = %sysfunc(countw(&nvar));
There are several useful Base SAS function that are not directly available in Macro, %Sysfunc enables those function to make them work in a macro.
%let x=temp;What %put &&x&n; and %put &&&x&n; would return?
%let n=3;
%let x3=result;
%let temp3 = result2;
- &&x&n : Two ampersands (&&) resolves to one ampersand (&) and scanner continues and then N resolves to 3 and then &x3 resolves to result.
- &&&x&n : First two ampersands (&&) resolves to & and then X resolves to temp and then N resolves to 3. In last, &temp3 resolves to result2.
13. How to reference a macro variable in selection criteria
Use double quotes to reference a macro variable in a selection criteria. Single quotes would not work.
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SAS : Reference Macro Variable |
14. How to debug %IF %THEN statements in a macro code
MLOGIC option will display how the macro variable resolved each time in the LOG file as TRUE or FALSE for %IF %THEN.
15. Difference between %EVAL and %SYSEVALF functions
Both %EVAL and %SYSEVALF are used to perform mathematical and logical operation with macro variables. %let last = %eval (4.5+3.2); returns error as %EVAL cannot perform arithmetic calculations with operands that have the floating point values. It is when the %SYSEVALF function comes into picture.
%let last2 = %sysevalf(4.5+3.2);
%put &last2;
16. What would be the value of i after the code below completes
data test;Answer is 4. It is because when the first time the loop processes, the value of count is 1; the second time, 2; and the third time, 3. At the beginning of the fourth iteration, the value of count is 4, which is found to be greater than the stop value of 3 so the loop stops. However, the value of i is now 4 and not 3, the last value before it would be greater than 3 as the stop value.
set temp;
array nvars {3} x1-x3;
do i = 1 to 3;
if nvars{i} > 3 then nvars{i} =.;
17. How to compare two tables with PROC SQL
The EXCEPT operator returns rows from the first query that are not part of the second query.
proc sql;
select * from newfile
select * from oldfile;
18. Selecting Random Samples with PROC SQL
The RANUNI and OUTOBS functions can be used for selecting N random samples. The RANUNI function is used to generate random numbers.
proc sql outobs = 10;19. How to use NODUPKEY kind of operation with PROC SQL
create table tt as
select * from sashelp.class
order by ranuni(1234);
In PROC SORT, NODUPKEY option is used to remove duplicates based on a variable. In SQL, we can do it like this :
proc sql noprint;
create table tt (drop = row_num) as
select *, monotonic() as row_num
from readin
group by name
having row_num = min(row_num)
order by ID;
20. How to make SAS stop macro processing on Error
Check out this link - Stop SAS Macro on Error
21. Count Number of Variables assigned in a macro variables
%macro nvars (ivars);
%let n=%sysfunc(countw(&ivars));
%put &n;
%nvars (X1 X2 X3 X4);
22. Two ways to assign incremental value by group
See the snapshot below -
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Advanced SAS Interview Questions |
data xyz;Data Step Code
input x $;
data example22;
set xyz;
if first.x then N+1;
by x;
proc print;
proc sql;
select a.x, b.N from xyz a
inner join
(select x, monotonic() as N
from (
select distinct x
from xyz)) b
on a.x=b.x;
23. Prepare a Dynamic Macro with %DO loop
Check out this link - Dynamic SAS Macro
24. Write a SAS Macro to extract Variable Names from a Dataset
*Selecting all the variables;The DICTIONARY.COLUMNS contains information such as name, type, length, and format, about all columns in the table. LIBNAME : Library Name, MEMNAME : Dataset Name
proc sql noprint;
select name into : vars separated by " "
from dictionary.columns
where LIBNAME = upcase("work")
and MEMNAME = upcase("predata");
%put variables = &vars.;
25. How would DATA STEP MERGE and PROC SQL JOIN works on the following datasets shown in the image below?
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Many to Many Merge |
The DATA step does not handle many-to-many matching very well. When we perform many to many merges. the result should be a cartesian (cross) product. For example, if there are three records that match from one contributing data set to two records from the other, the resulting data set should have 3 × 2 = 6 records. Whereas, PROC SQL creates a cartesian product in case of many to many relationship.
Detailed Explanation - Many to Many Merge
26. Two ways to create a blank table
Copy structure of existing table
Enforce FALSE condition in Selection Criteria
WHERE 1=0;
27. How to insert rows in a table with PROC SQL
Tutorial : Insert Rows in Table
28. Difference between %LOCAL and %GLOBAL
%LOCAL is used to create a local macro variable during macro execution. It gets removed when macro finishes its processing.
%GLOBAL is used to create a global macro variable and would remain accessible till the end of a session . It gets removed when session ends.
29. Write a macro with CALL EXECUTE
Detailed Explanation of CALL EXECUTE
30. Write a macro to split data into N number of datasets
Suppose you are asked to write a macro to split large data into 2 parts (not static 2). In the macro, user should have flexibility to change the number of datasets to be created.
%macro split(inputdata=, noofsplits=2);
data %do i = 1 %to &noofsplits.;
split&i. %end;;
retain x;
set &inputdata. nobs=nobs;
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
if mod(nobs,&noofsplits.) eq 0
then x=int(nobs/&noofsplits.);
else x=int(nobs/&noofsplits.)+1;
if _n_ le x then output split1;
%do i = 2 %to &noofsplits.;
else if _n_ le (&i.*x)
then output split&i.;
%mend split;
%split(inputdata=temp, noofsplits=2);
31. Store value in each row of a variable into macro variables
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
call symput(cats('x',_n_),Name);
%put &x1. &x2. &x3.;
The CATS function is used to concatenate 'x' with _N_ (row index number) and removes leading and trailing spaces to the result.
32. How PROC TRANSPOSE works?
Tutorial : PROC TRANSPOSE Explained
33. How to check if SAS dataset is empty?
Tutorial : Check number of observations
End Note
The above list of SAS interview questions are designed especially for experienced SAS programmers and analysts. These are real world examples with proper explanation. Most of the tough SAS interviews include SAS SQL and Macros questions. Before going for interview, you need to brush up your concepts of SAS programming. It is advised to go through concepts when practicing above interview questions.
32. How PROC TRANSPOSE works?
Tutorial : PROC TRANSPOSE Explained
33. How to check if SAS dataset is empty?
Tutorial : Check number of observations
End Note
The above list of SAS interview questions are designed especially for experienced SAS programmers and analysts. These are real world examples with proper explanation. Most of the tough SAS interviews include SAS SQL and Macros questions. Before going for interview, you need to brush up your concepts of SAS programming. It is advised to go through concepts when practicing above interview questions.
All these are an awesome resource.Thanks for these. Could you suggest any alternate solution to question no 7 using datastep ?
ReplyDeleteYes, question no. 7 can easily be done with Data step. I have updated the solution of question no. 7. Thanks!
DeleteHi Deepanshu, I think a small thing need to be updated in merge syntax for the Question No. 7
DeleteData want;
merge x(in=a) y(in=b drop = ID);
by managerID;
if a;
we need to drop ID to get the desired result
Hi Deepanshu.. Your blogs are really helpful. I have finished by Base Programming certification with 98%. I am put up in Bangalore. Can you help me with companies looking for SAS candidates? Thanks in Advance
ReplyDeleteCheck out this article - Companies using SAS in Bangalore
Deletehi Deepanshu..i am looking for more sas macro question along with example.
ReplyDeletecan you please forward me on mail address along with some macro book.
how can we create an algo in sas to find any combination of say 3 letters. These 3 letters can have any other alphabets in between.
ReplyDeletePost an example of it. Thanks!
DeleteGreat job man. I think ques 19 doesnt include the Nodupkey in the proc sql query. can you please correct it?
ReplyDeleteQ19 explains how to replicate the usage of NODUPKEY in PROC SQL query.
DeleteGreat Job dude. I have one query..
ReplyDeleteQ : I need to check dataset is empty or not. How can i do this?
data new;
Deleteold data;
if _n_ >=1 then newvar= nonempty;
else newvar=empty;
using proc content we check
DeleteI have just written an article on this topic. See the link in Q33. Thanks!
DeleteAlso how can we print multiple datasets using single proc print statement horizontally in output window. Can anyone help here
ReplyDeleteCan you please explain me the 30th question- Split macro
ReplyDeleteWhy do we need the last Do loop? in split macro?
Please explain the program.
Excellent question...mostly asked during interview....thanks for writing in such detail.
ReplyDeleteplease post more real life scenarios
ReplyDeleteHi for Q7 i am getting error as variable managerid has been defined as both character and numeric .
ReplyDeleteAny suggestions why this is coming?
please give the answer:
ReplyDeleteuse data in the Data Sheet
1. Consider you have Sales Data and a variable Order_date is the Date of Order Placed. Write a Macro that will Display the Report of all the Sales Conducted on Daily Basis ?
Example: If today is 01 January 2000, If I call macro today, It shows orders placed on 01 January 2000. If I call same macro on 02 January, It should give Report of orders placed on 02 January.
proc print data=Sales_Data;
where Order_date='01January2000'd;
title “Below are the details of Sales data for 01-January-2000”;
2. Consider Same Sales Data, Write a Macro to get summarized report on any particular year ?
Example: I want to run proc means on sales data for the year 2004, may be tomorrow I want to get for 2005 or so.
proc print data=Sales_Data;
where Order_date='2004'd;
3. Consider the Same Sales Data. Suppose you have 3 Types of Orders and a variable Order_type having values either Type 1 Type 2 or Type 3 for Each Order Placed and you have another variable Quantity, having the total number of quantities ordered for each order. Write a Macro to display the frequency of quantity ordered for given order type in any particular year.
Example: If I mention value of year 2004 and type 3, It should display frequency of quantities placed in 2004 with type 3 with appropriate title. If I just mention year 2004, It should display frequency of all quantities ordered in 2004 with all types.
4. Write a Macro to get pdf report of orders placed in range of years with appropriate title?
Example: If I select range of years 2003 to 2006, I should get pdf report of orders placed in all these years separately on desktop.
5. Write a Macro to get a Report for each year and each order type, so we get the mean of total_retail_price in the title ?
Example: Suppose I choose year = 2001 and order_type = 2, It should display orders placed in these parameters and I also want the mean of total_retail_price in the title of the report.
6. Suppose you are having live Data, Orders coming from different Countries. Write a Macro to split this master Data into smaller Datasets depending on the Unique value of each countries ?
Example: Suppose I got Order placed from US, CA Today, so I call the macro and it will split the master data into 2 data US and CA having those observation. Tomorrow suppose I have order placed from CH, JP and AU, I call same macro and it will split master data into 3 smaller Data.
please give the answer:
ReplyDelete1. Consider you have Sales Data and a variable Order_date is the Date of Order Placed. Write a Macro that will Display the Report of all the Sales Conducted on Daily Basis ?
Example: If today is 01 January 2000, If I call macro today, It shows orders placed on 01 January 2000. If I call same macro on 02 January, It should give Report of orders placed on 02 January.
- 2. Consider Same Sales Data, Write a Macro to get summarized report on any particular year ?
Example: I want to run proc means on sales data for the year 2004, may be tomorrow I want to get for 2005 or so.
- 3. Consider the Same Sales Data. Suppose you have 3 Types of Orders and a variable Order_type having values either Type 1 Type 2 or Type 3 for Each Order Placed and you have another variable Quantity, having the total number of quantities ordered for each order. Write a Macro to display the frequency of quantity ordered for given order type in any particular year.
Example: If I mention value of year 2004 and type 3, It should display frequency of quantities placed in 2004 with type 3 with appropriate title. If I just mention year 2004, It should display frequency of all quantities ordered in 2004 with all types.
- 4. Write a Macro to get pdf report of orders placed in range of years with appropriate title?
Example: If I select range of years 2003 to 2006, I should get pdf report of orders placed in all these years separately on desktop.
- 5. Write a Macro to get a Report for each year and each order type, so we get the mean of total_retail_price in the title ?
Example: Suppose I choose year = 2001 and order_type = 2, It should display orders placed in these parameters and I also want the mean of total_retail_price in the title of the report.
1. Consider you have Sales Data and a variable Order_date is the Date of Order Placed.
DeleteWrite a Macro that will Display the Report of all the Sales Conducted on Daily Basis ?
Data Sales;
input Product $ sales_id order_id ;
Mobile 101 201
Laptop 102 202
Mobile 103 203
Laptop 104 304
Data order;
input order_date order_id;
informat order_date date9.;
format order_date date9.;
01DEC2017 201
02DEC2017 202
02DEC2017 203
01DEC2017 204
%let daily=%sysfunc(today());
%put &daily;
proc sql;
select count(a.product) into:Total_Order from sales as a left join order as b
on a.order_id=b.order_id
where b.order_date=&daily;
%put &Total_Order;
Title 'Find the total sales as on &daily is &Total_Order';
- 2. Consider Same Sales Data, Write a Macro to get summarized report on any particular year ?
Example: I want to run proc means on sales data for the year 2004, may be tomorrow I want to get for 2005 or so.
Data sales_data;
input sales_id qty item $ sales_date;
informat sales_date date9.;
format sales_date date9.;
101 2 Mobile 25jun2005
101 3 Mobile 25jul2005
101 4 Mobile 25aug2005
101 6 Mobile 25jun2004
101 8 Mobile 25jul2004
101 2 Mobile 25aug2004
%let year=2005; * Change year as per your requirements;
proc sql;
select item,total_qty_sales from(
select item,year(sales_date) as year,sum(qty) as total_qty_sales from sales_data
group by 1,2)
where year=&year;
3. Consider the Same Sales Data. Suppose you have 3 Types of Orders and a variable Order_type having
values either Type 1 Type 2 or Type 3 for Each Order Placed and you have another variable Quantity, having
the total number of quantities ordered for each order.
Write a Macro to display the frequency of quantity
ordered for given order type in any particular year.
Example: If I mention value of year 2004 and type 3, It should display frequency of quantities placed in
2004 with type 3 with appropriate title. If I just mention year 2004, It should display frequency of all
quantities ordered in 2004 with all types.
Data sales_data;
input sales_id qty item $ sales_date order_type;
informat sales_date date9.;
format sales_date date9.;
101 2 Pdrive 25jun2005 1
101 3 Pdrive 25jul2005 1
101 4 Mobile 25aug2005 2
101 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
101 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
101 2 Mobile 25aug2004 2
102 2 Pdrive 25jun2005 1
102 3 Mobile 25jul2005 2
102 4 Laptop 25aug2005 3
102 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
102 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
102 2 Mobile 25aug2004 2
103 2 Laptop 25jun2005 3
103 3 Mobile 25jul2005 2
103 4 Laptop 25aug2005 3
103 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
103 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
103 2 Laptop 25aug2004 3
%macro freq(year=,type=);
proc sql;
select item,total_qty from(
select item,year(sales_date) as year ,order_type ,sum(qty) as total_qty from sales_data
group by 1,2,3)
where year=&year and order_type=&type;
DeleteWhen I tried to execute the macro to print the freq of orders placed based on type and year,I am getting below error.Please help.
%macro freq(year=,type=);
proc sql;
select total_qty from(
select year(Order_date) as year ,order_type ,sum(quantity) as total_qty from Vani_Sas.sales_data
group by Order_type)
where year=&year and order_type=&type;
NOTE: The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data.
NOTE: No rows were selected.
its not the error it is the note.
Deletetry this on
Data sales ;
input sales_id qty item $ sales_date order_type;
informat sales_date date9.;
format sales_date date9.;
101 2 Pdrive 25jun2005 1
101 3 Pdrive 25jul2005 1
101 4 Mobile 25aug2005 2
101 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
101 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
101 2 Mobile 25aug2004 2
102 2 Pdrive 25jun2005 1
102 3 Mobile 25jul2005 2
102 4 Laptop 25aug2005 3
102 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
102 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
102 2 Mobile 25aug2004 2
103 2 Laptop 25jun2005 3
103 3 Mobile 25jul2005 2
103 4 Laptop 25aug2005 3
103 6 Mobile 25jun2004 2
103 8 Mobile 25jul2004 2
103 2 Laptop 25aug2004 3
%macro freq(year,type);
proc sql;
select year,quant,order_type from (
select distinct year(sales_date) as year,order_type,sum(qty) as quant from sales group by order_type)
where year=&year and order_type=&type;
Hi Deepanshu,
ReplyDeleteAwesome explanation and cleared so many doubts here.
Can you please tell me what are the companies that offer Jobs based on SAS in Hyderabad?
Thank you.
Short code for question 30....
ReplyDeleteoptions mlogic symbolgen mprint;
%macro split(ds,n);
%do i=1 %to &n;
data data&i. ;
set &ds. nobs=nobs;
if f=&i then output data&i;
%split( ds=sasuser.cargorev,n=2);
I have data set
ReplyDeleteId test$ results
101 WBC 90
101 RBC 103
101 alc 100
101 WBC 92
101 alc 93
101 RBC 92
101 WBC 96
101 RBC 92
101 alc 93
I need this one sub ,one test second highest value
Hi Deepanshu,
ReplyDeleteDo you provide coachings for SAS?
if yes then let me know how can i connect with you.
Post Questions based on, creating datasets based on dates using macros
ReplyDeletedata xyz;
ReplyDeleteinput x $;
**// incremental value by group ///******;
proc sql;
select *, case when x="AA" then 1
else 1+1 end as n from xyz;quit;
Nice Post... this will help mainly for Experience persons.