Features of filter option in MS Excel
- MS Excel allows you to select multiple values from the filter by clicking on values in the checkboxes that you want.
- Select / deselect all the unique values of the dropdown at one go without manually doing it one by one.
- Search bar functionality to search text and show relevant checkboxes accordingly
- Allows you to sort data in ascending and descending order
- Advanced filtering : apply logical conditions to filter values
The program below makes use of shinyWidgets
package and its widgets. Hence it is important to install the package.
# Required libraries library(shiny) library(shinyWidgets) library(dplyr) library(DT) # Constants df <- iris #Dataframe Name cols <- "Species" #Column for filtering / sorting # Show selected values on button Concatenate <- function(x, defaultText = "Show Values") { if(length(x)>0) { ifelse(nchar(paste(x,collapse = ", "))>25, paste(length(x),"selected"), paste(x,collapse = ", ")) } else { defaultText } } # Choices letchoice <- unique(as.character(df[[cols]])) # ------------------------ # App starts from here # ------------------------ ui <- fluidPage( tags$head(tags$style(" .btn-dropdown-input button {background-color: #f3f3f3 !important; border: 1px solid #ddd; text-align:left; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } .btn-dropdown-input .dropdown-toggle::after { content: '\\e114'; font-family: \"Glyphicons Halflings\"; margin-right: 0.3em; font-style: normal; float: right; border: none; font-size: 12px; color: #444; } .checkbox input { accent-color: black; } .btn-dropdown-input .caret { display: none; } ")), tags$script('setTimeout(function(){ $("#asc, #desce").click(function() { $(".btn-dropdown-input.shiny-bound-input.open").removeClass("open"); });}, 200);'), titlePanel("Excel Like Filter"), fluidRow( column( width = 3, dropdownButton( inputId = "dropdownbtn", label = "Filter column", status = "default", circle = FALSE, width = 300, fluidRow( column(width = 12, actionGroupButtons( inputIds = c("asc", "desce"), labels = list(tags$span(icon("sort-alpha-asc"), "Sort A to Z"), tags$span(icon("sort-alpha-desc"), "Sort Z to A") ), fullwidth = T )) ), div(style="margin-bottom:1em;"), textInputIcon( inputId = "search", label = NULL, placeholder = "Search", icon = icon("search"), width = "100%" ), fluidRow( column(width = 12, actionGroupButtons( inputIds = c("all", "deselect"), labels = list(tags$span(icon("check"),"Select All"), tags$span(icon("remove"), "Deselect All") ), fullwidth = T )) ), br(), checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "mycheckbox", label = NULL, choices = letchoice, width = '100%' ) ) ), column( width = 6, dataTableOutput("mytable") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { # Button Labels Change observeEvent(input$mycheckbox, { updateActionButton( session = session, inputId = "dropdownbtn", label = Concatenate(input$mycheckbox, "Filter column") ) }, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = TRUE) # Live Search observeEvent(input$search, { updateCheckboxGroupInput( session = session, inputId = "mycheckbox", choices = letchoice[grepl(paste0(".*", input$search, ".*"), letchoice, ignore.case = T)] ) }) # Sorting ascending myval<- reactiveValues() myval$count <- 0 observeEvent(input$asc, { updateCheckboxGroupInput( session = session, inputId = "mycheckbox", selected = letchoice ) myval$count <- 1 }) # Sorting descending observeEvent(input$desce, { updateCheckboxGroupInput( session = session, inputId = "mycheckbox", selected = letchoice ) myval$count <- 2 }) # Select all observeEvent(input$all, { updateCheckboxGroupInput( session = session, inputId = "mycheckbox", selected = letchoice ) }) # Deselect all observeEvent(input$deselect, { updateCheckboxGroupInput( session = session, inputId = "mycheckbox", selected = "" ) updateTextInputIcon(session = session, inputId = "search", value = "", placeholder = "Search", icon = icon("search")) }) # Datatable cols <- sym(cols) output$mytable = renderDT( df %>% dplyr::filter(!!cols %in% input$mycheckbox) %>% {if(myval$count == 1) { arrange(., !!cols) } else if (myval$count > 1) { arrange(., desc(!!cols)) } else { . } } ) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
In order to customise the above code for your own project, you can change constantsdf
. They refer to dataframe and column which you want to filter.
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